Tuesday, May 4

Red light cameras

So, last week I open the mailbox to find an envelope containing a $100 ticket and a picture of Trey's car, clearly identifiable because of the "Misplaced Texan" bumper sticker (just for the record, I opened the envelope because it was addressed to both of us and I didn't yet know what it was for). I think Trey thought I would be mad. In actuality I was relieved it hadn't happened to me as I've gone through some very yellow lights in the city, and know that there have been pictures taken. I guess they'll only mail you a ticket if you start going into the intersection after the light turns red.

Anyway, Trey was irritated enough to a) visit the intersection to make sure there was a No Turn on Red sign (there wasn't) and then b) watch the video clip. It ended up that he didn't quite stop before turning. This is still irritating.

Do you guys in other states have red light cameras? They've been up in the Chicago area for about 2 years now, and are the subject of much controversy. The general consensus of the public is that the camera are up as an easy revenue builder for the cities & towns that are putting them up. The cities maintain that the cameras are there for safety reasons, but there have been groups that have put out statistics indicating that the incidences of accidents at red light camera intersections have actually gone up (there are signs indicating there's a camera, and people freak out, stop suddenly, and are rear-ended).

Thoughts? I'm still irritated. I think that traps like this one and speed traps are dirty tricks. This comes from someone who has gotten several speeding tickets in her lifetime, but has only been involved in one traffic accident that wasn't even her fault.


JNoble said...

Texas has joined the red light camera crazy for sure. And the same arguments you outlined above hold true here. We all know they are revenue generating.

One interesting note: Lubbock deployed cameras and there was such a backlash that a city councilman lost his seat. After the election the cameras were quickly taken down and the remaining support on the council evaperated.

The power of the ballot box at work!

Karen said...

Honestly, i'm a bad driver so any evidence of such makes me anxious. I also think they're a cheap revenue builder and would be annoyed.

wow for jnoble's voting story!

Finlands finest said...

I have seen camera's at intersections here in Cincinnati. I do not know if they are giving tickets yet. I am honestly not sure how I feel now, but if I got a ticket I am sure I would be annoyed by it...

Ms. Sarah said...

We've got some. cameras around this area, but no one I know has gotten tickets by them, so I'm honestly not sure if they are even operational. But I would be highly irritated if I got one.

I agree that traps are dirty tricks and often cause accidents because people freak out.

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