Thursday, May 20

Texas post

The title of this post has very little to do with the actual contents, only to do with the geographic location in which I am currently sitting. Meme's back room on Silver Lake Court in Haltom City, TX would be more specific. Anyway, I'm sure there will be more blog before the extended weekend is over, but so far the highlight of our trip was Samuel's T-ball game last night - but more on that later.

The past two weeks have been incredibly nuts. I think it happens every year that I think after the CCC spring concerts things will calm down, but there's always another stretch I forget about. This year it ended up being Mother's Day weekend that was insane, and last weekend was still pretty busy. Mother's Day weekend had me running Kindergruppe practice on Friday night by myself with 45 kids since Evi was out of town. Two brand new kids showed up, too, and their moms came up to me afterwards telling me about how impressed they were that I kept practice moving so smoothly and had such control over the kids - I'm glad I had them fooled!

The rest of the weekend saw me doing a rehearsal on Saturday morning, singing 4 separate church services by the time all was said and done, coaching the German School kids on their singing for the Mother's Day program (they sounded great this year!), and having lunch at mom's Sunday afternoon. And people are still serious when they ask me about when I'm going to have children. Seriously?

The week that followed was one that should have been relaxing at work since my boss was on vacation. Instead, all sorts of hell was breaking loose, which resulted in my putting in more hours than I'm used to (something for which I am not paid enough to do and therefore do not do regularly) and missing a deadline on a major project of my own. Fortunately, everyone was understanding on my project, which will now wait to be completed until the beginning of June. The funny thing is, that as crazy as things were last week, they're even crazier now, and I'm not there. :-)

Last weekend was slightly more relaxing, but still busy. Trey and I had one of those weekends where we both had big concerts at the same time in separate places. It turns out my cousin Joey had a piano recital earlier in the day, and so I told him we'd all sort of be performing at the same time. I should've shared my philosophy on performance days being special days (borrowed from a pep talk given by Dr. Reynolds before a SWE concert at UD), but I'm sure I'll have the opportunity to do that sometime soon.

Yesterday we had what I thought was a relaxing morning and drove up to Milwaukee to catch a flight to DFW, and last night we had a fun time watching Samuel's T-ball game. Have you ever seen a bunch of 3 and 4 year olds play T-ball? I had not, and I think it was probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Samuel's team is the White Sox - last night was my exception to the rule of cheering against the White Sox. Hopefully next week I can post a few pictures - I totally forgot the cord for the camera.

More later this weekend - hope everyone's having a good week. :-)


Karen said...

for a woman who doesn't want her own kids you have so much love for other people's! And i'm grateful for it! :)

Finlands finest said...

I love watching kids play any sport. They are too cute!! :) Glad you enjoyed the t-ball.

Ms. Sarah said...

I agree with both Karen and Jenny! And I tend to think that at last part of the reason you have such care and patience with other people's kids is because you don't have your own. I know that's true for me anyway, haha!

Katrin said...

I don't know how you do it. Seriously, amazing! Good to hear you had a good time in Texas. :)

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