Tuesday, February 8

Random stuff post

Before I get into the meat of this post, I just want to say "happy anniversary to us!" Yesterday was seven years, which we celebrated with a wonderful dinner - it's so nice to go on a fancy date every once in a while. Seven years is the Copper/Wool year, and my gift was a beautiful round candle sconce made of coppery material. I gave him a pair of sheepskin slippers and a certificate for him and a friend to do a bacon & beer tasting (they use big copper kettles to make beer). He liked it. :-)

Ok, first random thing - how many of you have private blogs? As much as I don't want to, I'm thinking of going that way. Truth is, that as much as I'm happy to share my opinions (i still get people asking me more about my IUD experience from time to time) there's a lot I haven't written about lately, and not getting it out isn't good for me. Thoughts?

Next random thing - I totally loved that everything was shut down last week because off the blizzard. I would be in full support of another two feet of snow provided we get two days off this time.

Next - whoever came up with the idea of giving fire stations snowmobiles so they could transport people in emergencies needs to get a huge raise and a promotion.

Next - I learned last week that the German words to the Schubert Ave Maria are really based on Sir Walter Scott's poem, Lady of the Lake. It translates into a prayer to the Virgin Mary, so, though I knew it wasn't a translation of the Hail Mary, I totally thought it was at least sacred. I wonder if that means I can't sing it in church anymore (Evi, do you know?).

Next - Trey and I are working together tomorrow morning, playing and singing for a memorial service for a friend's father. It's a sad occasion for sure, but it's always so nice to work together.

Next - Trey's recital is scheduled, which means his thesis proposal is in, which means he's so close to being done with school. I'm soooooooo thankful, as it will lighten my load considerably.

And....my stop is next, which means it's time to pack up and get off the train. More soon. :-)


Eva said...

Since the text is a prayer, it is appropriate to sing in Church.

As much as a memorial mass is a sad occaission, I look forward to your singing and playing together.....

Katrin said...

If it means that we'll read more of you, I say go private! :)

Karen said...

I have to agree with Katrin. Since i assume i'll be permitted run with it!

I too have had lots of things i wish i could have blogged about but I am constantly (literally several times a year, every year) surprised to hear reads my blog that i didn't know did. I'm too nervous about cutting readers off that are random followers who wouldnt' know how to get a hold of me to be permitted.

Finlands finest said...

I went private and still have a hard time talking about some things I have wanted to blog about. Not sure why, but if it will let you get more out, I say go private.

Right on-on the snowmobiles for firefighters!

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