I've been meaning to blog forever, but life has gotten in the way just a little bit. That doesn't mean it's been bad, just busy. :-)
Here's some of the random stuff that's happened, and that I've been thinking of:
-Last week on my birthday the sun came out for much of the day. This was significant because the sun hadn't been out for a few weeks at least. It was also sunny on Friday. This really made for a great birthday gift. :-)
-Although I love coffee, I drink tea most of the day at work because a) coffee has way more caffeine, and b) I drink it too quickly. Last week I re-stocked my tea supply at work, and one of the boxes I bought was a variety of Yogi tea. I love it because on each tag it's got a little inspirational saying. I hope that's not too dorky, but I really do like it.
Other than enjoying the sun and getting a few smiles out of my tea bags it's pretty much been life as usual. I've become concerned, though, because I've felt unusually tired lately. It's normal for me to be a little fatigued for a couple of weeks at especially busy times, but never for two months straight and in a relatively calm period. It's also normal for me to be a little tired in winter - harder for me to get up in the morning, have a bit less energy, etc. - but I feel like it's been way worse this year. I'm to the point where I feel like working out in the morning, and really working out at all, is turning into a struggle.
I called in sick today because yesterday late afternoon my throat started to hurt when I swallowed, which I think is stemming from my being simply exhausted. I called & left messages for everyone at about 6am, and went back to sleep until 11. I haven't been able to sleep that late for months, even when I've tried. I've tried to figure out what the issue is, too:
- My diet is normal, and healthy. I've even plugged everything I've eaten into my Blue Cross Blue Shield tracker, which confirms that I've got a good ratio of Carbs/Protein/Fats.
- I've never gotten a ton of sleep - I've always averaged 6 1/2 hours of sleep on weeknights and a little more on weekends - but I've been upping it lately, and I've been waking up less frequently during the night.
- For a while I thought that maybe it was because I'd been less active right after Christmas an in to January, so for the past month I've made a very conscious effort to stick to my workout routine, and to make sure I keep up with my daily walking (to & from the train station, and a short walk at lunch).
I can't figure out what else it could be, save something like a low iron count or screwed up thyroid, so I'm calling my doctor and getting myself in to see what she says. Anyone else have any insight to this?
Ok, this is weird. I actually posted it on Thursday, not Tuesday. Maybe I actually started it on Tuesday? That's still weird.
I would check your iron. Whenever mine is low I get very lethargic!! I hope you feel back to your old self soon!!
I want to find some Yogi tea now, just for the quotes!
I'm just glad to hear you say you called your doctor. Never good to let these things go too long. Keep us posted!
Glad you're going to the doc to get checked out. I have an iron deficiency, and I can definitely feel it in my body when my iron is low. I should be taking iron supplements, but don't like how they effect me.
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