Thursday, December 10

Christmas gift poll

So, I'm working on Trey's Christmas gifts and would like your opinion on an idea:

Should I get Trey a Snuggie?

Now, there are basically two camps on Snuggies - you either love them or you hate them. I hate them, but find us discussing them on a regular basis. For the life of me, I can't figure out if when he jokes around about them he's just joking around, or if he really wants one. I suspect that he might really want one. He's quirky enough. Thoughts anyone?


Mamma Sarah said...

I would get one for him for the fun of it. :-D

Eva said...

I would get a blue one for him and a pink one for yourself.....

Kristin said...

ummmmm Jonathan and I think they're annoying... Jonathan would PROBABLY make fun of trey endlessly if you got him one... b/c he told me if I ever got one he would disown me... (I found an ohio state one on and jokingly put it on my x-mas list to get a rise out of him... and that was his response...)

HOWEVER, I think the idea of them is awesome as someone who uses blankets all the time, but I still cannot bring myself to buy one...

JNoble said...

I don't want one, but I can see Trey having fun with it. Go for the cheese factor!

Karen said...

for $15 its worth the laugh even if he doesnt

Viki said...

First of all, my mother gets a *smack*

See, I'm apprehensive because Kristin's answer is what I was thinking.

Normally I'd go for it anyway since it's only $15, and our limit for each other this year is $50. I've done well with the first $25, but I don't want to spend $15 on a snuggie if he doesn't actually want one.

I may have to do more probing here...

LisaMarie said...

HAHAHAHA! I agree with Karen, it's worth the laugh. A friend of mine got me one for my 30th birthday. Even though they're ridiculous, I plan on using mine. And it's leopard print!

Finlands finest said...

I have never met your husband, but from everyone's reaction, I think you should go for it!

Eva said...

It's not nice to smack your mother.....

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