Tuesday, August 9

Haikus for the week #2

Two weeks in a row now! Maybe this will be the trick to get blogging going again...

First is from Friday afternoon and is referring to the Cubs. They've been horrible this year - their longest winning streak this season has been 3 games, and that only happened once:

Six in a row now
Armageddon may happen
This very weekend

They went on to win their game on Saturday, too, making it 7 in a row. Sunday they lost, but it was a good game. Last night was rained out, but they start up again tonight!

Next is from the weekend, from spending time with my cats:

Chipmunks are outside
Playing in my flowerpots
Great kitty TV

And here's from this morning, after feeling a little blue last night because of the rain and gloominess:

Beautiful and bright
The sun shines for me today
Keeps me glowing now

Have a great week!


l8ebug said...

I like these! I think you sent all of your rain our way, because we had some doozy storms in Cinci yesterday!

JNoble said...

This is fun! I like. I haven't ever been good at haikus. May have to give it a try.


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