Monday, February 1

Random stuff

I really have been reading all of your blogs. If I have a little bit of time today or tomorrow, I'll actually comment. I have also been wanting to post more for a while now, so here are some of the random things I've been thinking about lately - I'm putting them in alphabetical order by topic:

Elections - do primaries get as crazy everywhere else as they do here? I realize there are some major races this time around (governor, county board, and senate seat), but there are some candidates for whom we've gotten three separate mailings already, and there was actually someone at the train station this morning walking back and forth with a sign for a certain candidate. The worst part is, while I'm still going to go vote tomorrow, there are a few offices for while I may not actually vote for anyone because they're all so phony.

GMAT math - I think I may need to take a math review course before I take the GMAT. Oh, yeah, I guess I forgot to mention that - I'm going to take the GMAT this summer (either June or late August, depending on when we can get to Texas). I'm stuck on the math, though - there's this one problem in the review book that I've done about 4 times, and I can' get it right. It's one of those with fractions on top and bottom of a larger fraction. Maybe I should take an actual practice test first, though.

Heat wraps - those Thermacare pads made for when aunt flo comes to visit are the best things on earth. The worst part about this IUD is that I get cramps every time, and lately they're BAD for at least a full day. Every couple of months they're so bad I'd call in sick were it not for too much going on at work/meeting I have to be at/something else I'm in charge of. I wish I would've discovered these Thermacare things 2 years ago.

Karma - I got some great karma back last week Thursday, when someone called me as they were getting off the train to tell me that I'd left my train ticket in the seat ticket holder. That's such payback for the time I found an almost full 10-ride ticket, called the phone number on the back, and mailed it back to the person it belonged to...along with the $3 that was stuck to it. It also makes me really glad I write my phone number on the back of my ticket!

Pregnant people - I've found that I have this sort of knack for knowing that people are going to tell us they're pregnant. I had this feeling that Mark & Karen were pregnant, and a few days later Mark called to tell us they were expecting. When Karen E called to say that she was pregnant I'd figured it out before she said it. The last time I went to a show at the Goodman with Laura, I just had this feeling that she and Scott were expecting, and sure enough she told me beforehand that they were due before the end of the year. Last night Trey got a phone call (I won't say from who, just in case they haven't told everyone) - I asked, "Is it X?" and Trey nodded. I said, "They're pregnant," and though X didn't say anything until the end of the conversation, I was right. Right now I have this feeling that someone else is going to make an announcement, but I want to wait and see if I'm right. :-)

Sunlight - I've been physically exhausted lately, and the only reason I can think of as to why is that there's been almost no sunlight here for the past month. I'm thinking like 3 sunny days since January (none of which I've actually gone outside during), but the rest of the time has been overcast. I know SAD is more like depression, but I bet you can actually just feel physically exhausted for lack of sunlight, too.

Time - one of the worst things I think someone can do is demonstrate that s/he does not value my time. Whether or not it's intentional, it's something I really have a hard time forgiving. What's even worse, is when you point it out to that person, they acknowledge it, and then they do it again. I'm just not sure what to make of it. Part of me wants to believe that this person just does not have a clue, but another part of me is telling me that if this person was concerned about anyone but him/herself, s/he would figure it out. I'll write more about this some other time, it's just really been bothering me lately.

Work dreams - I almost never have dreams at all, but last week I had a dream that a girl I know got married at the beginning of November and I just now realized that I'd forgotten to put together her benefits paperwork, and now I was going to have to explain to my boss that I was three months late getting this stuff out. Now, this girl really did get married in real life, but I don't work with her. Plus, as non-micro-manager as my boss is, she would never let something like that happen.

Ok, gotta get back to work for now. Hope everyone's having a great Monday. :-)


Karen said...

i too have had some premonitions about a pregnant person before i hear. I'll be honest that that feeling wears off into surprise hte more kids they have. When Jim's friend said they were pregnant with their 5th i wouldn't have guessed because "real" (as in not reality show) people don't often have 5 kids.

Strangely, i probably should be MORE expectant of friends like that announcing another pregnancy.....

Finlands finest said...

I get the feeling about pregnancies too. Let me know if you ever feel that way about my older sister, she's having a hard time getting preggo!

I feel tired when I don't get enough sun. I think your hypothesis could be accurate.

I love heat wraps!

Good karma should come back 3 fold. 2 more good things are on their way!! :)

LisaMarie said...

Good post. Why are you taking the GMAT?

Kristin said...

I can help you with math!!! :) I am going to grad school to be a math teacher!!! and I did fly through Calculus and Differential equations in college!! :)

love you vik!!!

and if you're thinking it's me... I'm NOT pregnant!!!

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